outdated… see CV

Methods and Theory

Jie Hu, Eric Tchetgen Tchetgen, Francesca Dominici
“Leveraging Auxiliary Information to Adjust for Unmeasured Confounding in Time Series Study Designs”
To appear in Nature Review Method Primer

Jie Hu, Norman E. Breslow, Chan Gary, Couper David
“Estimating Disease Hazard Differences from Case-Cohort Studies” [link]
European Journal of Epidemiology, Jun, 1-14 (2021).

Norman E. Breslow, Jie Hu, Jon A. Wellner
“Z-estimation and Stratified Samples: Application to Survival Models” [link]
Lifetime Data Analysis, 21, 493-516 (2015).

Norman Breslow and Jie Kate Hu
“Survival Analysis of Case-Control Data: A Sample Survey Approach” [link]
Handbook of Statistical Methods for Case-Control Studies, Chapman and Hall/CRC, (2018).

“A Z-estimation system for two-phase sampling with applications to additive hazards models and epidemiologic studies” [link]
PhD Diss.University of Washington ResearchWorks Archive (2014).

Jie Kate Hu , Xianlong Wang, Pei Wang
“Testing Gene-gene Interactions in Genome Wide Association Studies” [link]
Genetic Epidemiology, 38, 123-134 (2014).
* Studied definitions of gene-gene interaction; pointed out the flaws in comparison studies of gene-gene interaction testing methods in literature due to variation in definitions; provided conditions of when these tests were comparable

Jie Kate Hu, Gary Chan
“Weights Determination in Generalized Case-Cohort Study”
(to submit).

Jie Hu, “A Z-estimation System: A Modular Approach to Model Development”
(to submit)


An R package:
Jie Hu “Fit Additive Hazards Models for Survival Analysis”, CRAN - Package addhazard (2020). [link1] [link2]
[link to A user’s manual]

An R shiny app:
Victoria Ding and Jie Hu Shinyapp Additive Hazards [link]


Planetary and Human Health:

Keith R. Spangler, Quinn H. Adams, Jie Kate Hu, Danielle Braun, Kate R. Weinberger, Francesca Dominici, and Gregory A. Wellenius
“Does Choice of Outdoor Heat Metric Affect Heat-Related Epidemiologic Analyses in the US Medicare Population?”
To appear in Environmental Epidemiology

Zixu Zhao, Melissa Lunden, Jie Kate Hu, Brian Lafranchi, Yutong Liang, Caleb Arata, Erin Katz, Allen H. Goldstein, Haofei Zhang
“Air Pollution Mapping and Machine Learning Reveal Key Factors for Distinct Community-level Exposures in San Francisco, California”
submitted to Environmental Science & Technology

Maxwell J.D. VanLandschoot, Julian Schmitte, (mentored by Kelly McConville & Jie Kate Hu)
“A Dashboard to Visualize Climate and Tree Species Change – Informing Forestry professionals, Conservationists, and Regulators the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on US Forests” [link] (2022)

Cardiovascular Disease/Biomarkers hs-CRP and Lp-PLA2:

I am looking for collaboration opportunities with cardiovascular disease biomarker experts. Please email contact@katehu.com if you have recommendations.

Jie Hu, Norman E. Breslow, Chan Gary, Couper David
“Estimating Disease Hazard Differences from Case-Cohort Studies” [link]
European Journal of Epidemiology, Jun, 1-14 (2021).
* we observed a synergistic effect of the hs-CRP and Lp-PLA2 biomarkers on coronary heart disease hazard rate among participants with lower LDL cholesterol.

Inflammatory Bowel disease:

Afzali Anita, Christopher J. Park, Kehao Zhu, Jie Kate Hu, Prachi Sharma, Mika N. Sinanan, and Scott D. Lee
“Preoperative Use of Methotrexate and the Risk of Early Postoperative Complications in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease”
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 22(8), 1887-95 (2016).

Afzali Anita, Chelle L. Wheat, Jie K. Hu, John E. Olerud, and Scott D. Lee
“The Association of Psoriasiform Rash with anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor (anti-TNF) Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Single Academic Center Case Series”
Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, 8(6), 480-488 (2014).

Manickavasagan,Hanisha, Butnariu Madalina, Porter Kyle , Hu K. Jie, Husain Syed, and Afzali Anita
“Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity have a Higher Annual Burden and Costs of Hospitalizations: A call for action”
in submission.


Hu, J, Jerkins, J, Goebel, N. Routing Method for Mobile Monitoring Platforms — A scalable sampling method that dispatches a fleet of vehicles to collect environmental data unbiasedly (U. S. Application Serial No.17/332789) [link]

Hu, J & Ladoni, M. (2021) Location Selection for Treatment Sampling —A field Study Design Tool to Optimize Treatment Assignment and Soil Sampling Locations for Model Calibration. (U.S. Patent No. #10,963,606) [link]

Hu, J. (2021). Location Selection for Model Assessment. (U.S. Patent No. #10, 990,716) [link]

Hu, J. System and Method for Modular Design of Statistical Models (U. S. Application Serial No. 18/051,403)

Hu, J & Carrion C. (2022) Using Causal Learning Algorithms to Assist in Agricultural Management Decisions. (U.S. Patent No. #11,406,053) [link]